Ace came to LCRP extremely thin and weak, struggling greatly to survive. Even after a lot of TLC and excellent care, Ace was slow to gain weight and strength. We had to really boost his immune system with extra nutrition and care and work on getting him to eat more, offering special foods in creative ways and many times a day. Finally, Ace seemed to turn a corner and begin to gain weight, eat more, and become more active.
Today, Ace continues to grow and develop both physically and mentally each and every day and his true personality is really shining. Ace is a vibrant and active little boy – he is rough and tumble and never seems to tire. At bedtime, after everyone else has fallen fast asleep, Ace is wide awake, wanting more and more tickles and racing around finding trouble wherever he goes. However, when he finally hits the wall, he literally falls where he is and doesn’t wake up until morning light! Ace and ‘brother’ Nnamdi are similar in their boyish activity levels so they make a great pair as part of the youngest nursery group, often playing chase and looking for fun. They even seem to plan out ways to tease the others at times. Ace is trouble – in the best way! He is adored by all!
Today, Ace continues to grow and develop both physically and mentally each and every day and his true personality is really shining. Ace is a vibrant and active little boy – he is rough and tumble and never seems to tire. At bedtime, after everyone else has fallen fast asleep, Ace is wide awake, wanting more and more tickles and racing around finding trouble wherever he goes. However, when he finally hits the wall, he literally falls where he is and doesn’t wake up until morning light! Ace and ‘brother’ Nnamdi are similar in their boyish activity levels so they make a great pair as part of the youngest nursery group, often playing chase and looking for fun. They even seem to plan out ways to tease the others at times. Ace is trouble – in the best way! He is adored by all!
When new chimpanzees arrive they are physically and emotionally traumatized. Our veterinary director does a full health check and treats them as needed. Some little ones arrive with broken limbs and shrapnel, and often have deep cuts due to ropes and chains that were used to restrict them while they were held captive. They are also given around the clock TLC, as nurturing and unconditional love is the most important part of their recovery. Feeding the chimps is a challenge. In the wild, chimpanzees eat over 200 different types of food! At LCRP, while we can’t replicate their diet exactly, we work hard to provide the chimps with a wide variety of fruits, vegetables, seeds, and nuts. Little ones receive baby cereal multiple times a day and all the chimps get morning and evening cereal to ensure the get daily boosts of all the right vitamins and minerals.