- Confiscation of more than 40 chimpanzees
since 2015 - First official, fully coordinated sting operation involving FDA, LNP, local community and official Chimpanzee Protection Organization to rescue and confiscate illegally held chimpanzee and charge offenders based on the Wildlife Act of 2016
- Formal establishment of Liberia’s first and only official chimpanzee sanctuary for victims of the bushmeat and pet trades
- Lead member of Liberia's multi stakeholder Law Enforcement Task Force
- Funding secured for formal nationwide Confiscation Unit including FDA, LNP, Robertsfield International Airport and Seaport Agencies
- Multi stakeholder International Wildlife Trafficking workshop conducted with work plan developed and in progress
- Facilitation of Western chimpanzee CAP meeting
- Initial development and implementation of wildlife reporting and confiscation protocols
- Enhanced judiciary involvement and funding secured for judiciary capacity building
- Engagement with Robertsfield International Airport wildlife, and other relevant, authorities to tackle International Wildlife Trade on a local and global level
- Reintroduction of healthy rehabilitated wildlife into FDA/EPA approved areas
- Land leased within the Marshall Wetland RAMSAR site for the establishment of Liberia’s first and only official chimpanzee sanctuary and to serve as an ecotourism development center for Liberia
- Official market surveys conducted to enhance International Wildlife Trade initiatives and activities
- Facilitation of fieldwork for Predict/One Health disease surveillance involving local and international stakeholders/USAID including training, capacity building, and collection of samples focused on combating Ebola
- Public Awareness campaigns related to Liberia’s Protected Wildlife and Wildlife Act of 2016 designed and launched locally and regionally
- Ongoing negotiations with multiple international organizations related to high level involvement in and support of nationwide law enforcement and International Wildlife Trade initiatives
- Secured funding for and coordinated launch of Liberia's first organized and official Wildlife Confiscation Unit
- Planned and partnered with local and international groups to implement a Liberia-based, first ever World Chimpanzee Day event - organizer of WCD event for 2019
- Played critical role in organizing and launching World Rabies Day events in 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019 in collaboration with multiple local and international stakeholders