MAC: confident happy boy

Mac arrived to LCRP at only about 8 or 9 months old. Mac was in very bad shape, dehydrated, emaciated and very traumatized. While he had a very traumatic start at a very young age, Mac has done very well with one on one care and nurturing! While there is no way to replace Mac's Mom or his life in the wild, he now has new chimpanzee friends and trees to climb! He is very confident little boy and very loved by everyone – humans and chimps alike. He LOVES climbing. Mac started with Blessing and Philomena who came in at the same time. However, as they were much older, they moved into a small forest group and Mac remains at the site base with new pals Maya and Elizabeth. He will eventually move into the forest group too. For now Mac is it the little “Big Man” as everyone calls him and receives lots of attention!
When new chimpanzees arrive they are physically and emotionally traumatized. Our veterinary director does a full health check and treats them as needed. Some little ones arrive with broken limbs and shrapnel, and often have deep cuts due to ropes and chains that were used to restrict them while they were held captive. They are also given around the clock TLC, as nurturing and unconditional love is the most important part of their recovery. Feeding the chimps is a challenge. In the wild, chimpanzees eat over 200 different types of food! At LCRP, while we can’t replicate their diet exactly, we work hard to provide the chimps with a wide variety of fruits, vegetables, seeds, and nuts. Little ones receive baby cereal multiple times a day and all the chimps get morning and evening cereal to ensure the get daily boosts of all the right vitamins and minerals.