Gola arrived at a mere two months of age! With no teeth and weighing only a few pounds, she was a teeny tiny little girl. Gola was literally taken from one hand of her mother's killer while he held the cut up body parts of her mother in his other. Sadly, with only one ranger on duty, he rushed to grab Gola and the hunter ran off with Gola's mother to be sold on the black market.
Gola needed intense one on one attention and stayed with LCR's Directors for quite awhile before she was even close to transitioning to a second surrogate Mom. It was a very stressful time for everyone, unsure of how she would do at such a young age. However, it soon became obvious that Gola is a survivor and that she wanted to not only survive but THRIVE!
Gola is adorable, loving, active, funny, and silly. She has grown into a strong and stocky little toddler and is loved by all the chimps and caregivers. At chimp school, Gola spends almost all day playing, climbing and frolicking with her chimpmates. And she can easily hold her own with the older orphans as well!
Happily, Gola made it through great trauma and an uncertain future and now has a safe, secure and loving environment in which to continue growing. Gola's beautiful face and intense eyes make her riveting to look at and her great personality is lovely to watch.
Gola's favorite food is Mango!